Pressure on socio-cultural towards post-divorce Hindu women in Denpasar city


  • Ida Bagus Agra University of Hindu Indonesia (UNHI), Indonesia
  • I Putu Gelgel University of Hindu Indonesia (UNHI), Indonesia
  • Ida Bagus Dharmika University of Hindu Indonesia (UNHI), Indonesia


Hindu women, Patrilineal culture, Post-divorce, Socio-cultural, Village regulations


This research was focused on reviewing the post-divorce Hindu women’s regarding socio-cultural pressure in Denpasar city. The analysis results found that the high dominance of the patrilineal culture caused Hindu women to experience social and cultural pressure after the divorce. An oblique labeling was often related to Hindu women after a divorce due to patrilineal culture dominance. The field findings indicated the fact that the divorce rate was increasing. The number who were widowed also increasing. Even those who were widowed classified as young due to they were early marriage. The pressure on socio-cultural after the divorce included first, the dominance of the patriarchal culture that was still strong in Bali. The men (purusa) have a strategic position in Balinese culture. This can be seen from people’s view of the men rather than women. In this case, the decision-making authority was still on the husband. Second, having to accept social stigma, Hindu women who are experiencing divorce will also be faced with a more religious stigma. A divorce in religion was actually not permitted, due to marriage was a very sacred procession. This causes divorce to be considered a family disgrace. However, the bad stigma was more predominantly directed at women, not men. Third, the social-cultural pressure for the Hindu women can be seen from the lack of protection and protection provided by traditional institutions in Bali, whether in village regulations (awig-awig) towards Hindu women, resulting in divorce cases increase.


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How to Cite

Agra, I. B., Gelgel, I. P., & Dharmika, I. B. (2018). Pressure on socio-cultural towards post-divorce Hindu women in Denpasar city. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2(3), 63–78.



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